,A site of magic and legend,
this is the lake of my kingdom. In the center of high yellow dunes ,on the southern front of LA TERASA, hidden and almost bashfull, the visitor is astonished by the incredible beauty and mysterious lake. It is not too large but big enough to ofer intimacy and mistory, neither very deep-but deep enough for swimming and cannooing. The lake is full of surprises: The western bank close to the sea , some days attached to the salty sea water and life of the sea, other days fully detached from the shore playing like a child with it's mother.The Eastern bank of the lake is a very diferent world: sweet water, full of plants ,trees and greenary tipical to water sites and the most significant - sorounded by congested reed forming a sort of Jungle and isolation. The reeds grow high and spread all over, but in between them there are many tinny islands of crystal sand,complitly isolated and camouflaged.It invites you to take off your clothes- and enjoy moments of sunbaths, absolute silence ,only voices of nature arround you. Among the indense bushes of reeds you will meet almost all the day-hours or night time- hundreds of birds from all over the world: Once, we counted more than 125 species of water-birds and cros-passing species, fowls and others. Two well camouflaged springs run fresh cold water into the lake ofering refresment during the warm summer days. An old legend, told by the ancestors ,tells a story about a young princes,her name was Shien, that lived far away in a distant Country , maybe even on a diferent planet. One day, all of a suden, a very strong unexpected wind started to blow, and carried her away and threw her into an unfammiliar site , full of white sands sorrounded with high dunes and a beautifull Lake in the center of all of it. It was almost dark, she was all alone ,hungry and tired. All she wanted is home!!.Sudenly she hears voices, and soon it turned out that they came from Lake. She could only cry bitterly and hope for some miracle to save her. And the pray came true: Out of the Lake , a strange man came out of the blue water. It seemed to her he walkes on the water, steps on last rays of the sunset.He was not tall ,well built muscled body, looking ageless, bronzed-sunburt, dressed green palm rips. He did not say a word , walked toward her direction holding in two strong arms a tray of sea-food, fruits , fresh water and on his second arm a kind of blanket made of soft weeds to sleep on. He left all this still silent on the lake bank. The way he appeared , he also dissapeared into the lake.On the next morning she saw him agein: He was standing among the reeds in a small barge , made of palm tree.They only looked each other into the eyes, wordless, becoming a part of the enchanted silence . She had no fear of him or of the new unfammiliar sorrounding , but she suspected that all this is her imagination and she is supposed to wake up of that dream, and find out that all of it was her wishful thinking. But she became also positive that the spirits on the sea and the water carried her all the way to here for some reason . Again the man remained speachless -but she undertstood that the barge is for her to go somewhere. He was standing in the water holding the barge while she set comfortably into it . He pushed from behind swiming his way along .The barge hovered quietly on the silvery water , making its way amongst beauty and mistory, anchoring near the tiny-islands of clear gentle sands, - all seeming unrealistic , magic . He stoped next to two unbelievable springs and lied down on the sand . The princes jumped into the springs with lot of joy, playing with the clear cold water splits on her body. After a time , he stood up showing he wants to continue . He brought her to a tall palm tree with a sort of door leading to the roots through a well shaded tunel. She followed him inside the tree: there , she couldn't believe her eyes: he built her a Typy, all made of palm rips, inside furnished with a comfortable bed made of weeds and a wood carved table full with a basket of food and goods: fish, fruits, fresh water and fresh sea-weed brad he prepared. That moment she knew that it was meant for her by the spirits to stay for good in that place !!! But when she woke up from the surprse of her new home, she looked arround and realised she is alone. The man she wanted to see now near by - was gone again . From that day she became the Queen of LA TERASA
,A site of magic and legend,

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